• Deworn


Lo mkhiqizo ungezelwe i-fame ye-flame engeziwe ye-halogen-free talogen, esetshenziswa kakhulu kwi-PC, i-PC / ABS resin ne-PPO, i-Nylon neminye imikhiqizo. Lapho isetshenziswa ku-PC, i-HPCCPP I-8-10%, i-Flame Retardant Grade Up to FV-0. Lo mkhiqizo ubuye ube nomphumela omuhle we-flame retardant e-epoxy resin, e-EMC, ukulungiswa kwezindawo ezinkulu ze-IC. I-Flame Retardancy yayo ingcono kakhulu kunaleyo yendabuko ye-phosphor-bromo flame retardant system.

  • Ifomula ye-Molecular:C36h30n3o6o
  • Isisindo samangqamuzana:693.57
  • Cas Cha:1184-10-7-7
  • Imininingwane Yomkhiqizo

    Amathegi Omkhiqizo

    Igama Lamakhemikhali: HexaphenoxycycyChosphazene
    Ama-Synonyms: Phenoxycycloposphazene; Hexaphenoxy-1,3,5,2,4,4,6-Triazatriphosphorine;
    2-4,4,4,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6-4,6,6,6,6-16,6,6,6-16,6, -6 -6
    Diphenoxyfani --EhemechemicalBricTreader; I-Polyphenoxyfosphazene; I-FP100;
    Ifomula ye-Molecular: c36h30n3o6o
    Isisindo Molecular: 693.57

    Inombolo ye-CAS: 1184-10-7


    Ukubonakala amakristalu amhlophe
    Ubumsulwa ≥99.0%
    Iphuzu elincibilikayo 110 ~ 112 ℃
    Shula ≤0.5%
    Umlotha ≤0.05%
    Okuqukethwe kwe-chloride ion, mg / l ≤20.0%

    Lo mkhiqizo ungezelwe i-fame ye-flame engeziwe ye-halogen-free talogen, esetshenziswa kakhulu kwi-PC, i-PC / ABS resin ne-PPO, i-Nylon neminye imikhiqizo. Lapho isetshenziswa ku-PC, i-HPCCPP I-8-10%, i-Flame Retardant Grade Up to FV-0. Lo mkhiqizo ubuye ube nomphumela omuhle we-flame retardant e-epoxy resin, e-EMC, ukulungiswa kwezindawo ezinkulu ze-IC. I-Flame Retardancy yayo ingcono kakhulu kunaleyo yendabuko ye-phosphor-bromo flame retardant system. Lo mkhiqizo ungasetshenziselwa i-benzoxazine resin ingilazi yama-laminate. Lapho ingxenye enkulu ye-HPCTP ingu-10%, i-flame retardant ibanga phezulu ku-FV-0. Lo mkhiqizo ungasetshenziswa ku-polyethylene. Inani le-loi le-flame retardant polyethylene ezibonakalayo zingafinyelela kuma-30 ~ 33. I-fiber retame retardant viscose fiber nge-oxidation inkomba engu-25.3 ~ 26.7 ingatholwa ngokuyingeza kusisombululo sokujikeleza se-viscose fiber. Ingasetshenziswa ukuhoxa ama-diode akhanyisekayo, ukumboza i-powder, izinto zokugcwalisa kanye nezinto zokwakha ama-polymer.

    Iphakheji kanye nesitoreji
    1. I-25KG Carton
    2. Gcina umkhiqizo endaweni epholile, eyomile, enomoya omuhle kude kude nezinto ezingahambisani.

  • Okwedlule:
  • Olandelayo:

  • Bhala umyalezo wakho lapha bese usithumela kithi